PA Workshop with Eileen McCullough: "Capturing the Coastal Community"

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Thursday July 20

9:00 AM  –  12:30 PM

Eileen is recognized for the vibrant, fluid watercolor painting style that captures the sensation of Southern California beach communities. She is a signature member of LAPAPA and holds Master signature membership of Watercolor West. Paint along with Eileen as she paints the Aqua Cafe. Follow her three step process. Learn how she establishes her whites, glazes by layering transparent washes and finishes with energetic calligraphy. Supply list: Plein Air set up, half sheet cold press or quarter sheet. WC paper, paints, Variety of brushes, Sketch paper. Eileen’s Favorite stuff:Graham watercolor paints, a palette with large wells, flat brushes, and her favorite brushes Lizard Lick and Dragon Breath. She always sketches full size before painting and uses water soluble pencils 4B and 6B. Sketching full size is optimal.